Two Little Fishies

Two Little Fishies AcroPower Amino Acids - 1 Litre

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In Stock UPC/EAN: 748172500576
$ 45.10
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Provides essential amino acids for robust and healthy coral growth - not just Acropora!

Amino Acid Formula for SPS Corals.

AcroPower supplies amino acids that corals need to build their skeletal architecture. Like other cnidaria, corals have a special ability to uptake dissolved amino acids across their entire surface. Closed system aquariums with protein skimming and other ULN (ultra-low nutrient) filtration methods deplete amino acids that are vitally important for coral health.

Small polyped reef building corals of the genera Acropora, Montipora, Stylophora, Seriatopora, Pocillopora, and others become more colorful within days due to the extension of the growing margins when AcroPower is used.

The entire contents of a 1L bottle treats 5000 gallons.

Shake well. Add to a strong current stream for rapid distribution in the water. Does 5ml per 25 gallons at least once per week, or use a Shlobster dosing pump to deliver the same volume divided into daily increments. Does not require refrigeration, but store in a cool, shaded area to maintain the shelf-life. Shelf life is 2 years from the date of manufacture.